• Licence No. 32807351


Deni Todorovic

Exuding kindness, inclusion and style; Deni was a no-brainer when it came to choosing someone we wanted to work with, thank and celebrate.
Most importantly, they love our Pinot Gris!


Introducing BAIE Wines Insider Stories...

The BAIE Insider program has allowed us to build a really special community of people who have become like friends and family. Together we’ve laughed, we’ve cried and we’ve shared lots of stories over wine. So we want to tell these stories and hear more of them from people who are important to us. Because it’s you, our BAIE Wines community that we want to showcase and celebrate.

We are so pleased to release the first episode of our Insider Stories, with none other than our 2020 BAIE Pinot Gris muse; Deni Todorovic. We fell in love with this savvy fashion stylist through our sponsorship of their Thirsty Thursday segment on Instagram and has since become such a source of inspiration to us.

“I think in the biggest moments of struggle come those moments of clarity. There’s this huge power to vulnerability and power in struggle. So if you lean into that instead of getting defensive and rejecting it - I think that’s the key to life.”


It’s fresh. It’s light. It’s crisp. I love drinking in the evenings. It’s great with a meal but it’s also great with a little savoury platter of some sort. I look forward to when I’ve had a long hard day where I’m exhausted, I’m like - “I just need a Pinot Gris!

I love everything about it! I’m a very aesthetics person. I think most people probably buy wine or most uneducated wine buyers buy wine based on a label, but yours is so chic and so beautiful. It delivers the goods and it’s so tasty. I really enjoy each of the varietals for a variation of reasons.”

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